Keynote speech: How transformative are the EGD and the recovery measures?
Keynote speaker:
- Kate Raworth, Senior Research Associate, Oxford University
15-minute TED-talk style talk followed by moderated Q&A
Guiding questions:
- How transformative is the European Green Deal? Is it a driver for the economic transition towards a carbon-neutral, zero pollution, wellbeing economy?
- The EGD has been plugged as the EU’s new growth strategy. Is it a green-washed version of the previous jobs and growth agenda or really a new kind of growth strategy – and if the latter, what kind of growth does it seek? Will it take us beyond GDP as the yardstick of success?
- What are the transformative elements that are already in place, where do we need to push for more? The evidence suggests that we need real system change to address the environmental challenges – to what extent will the EGD create system change and what else is needed?
- The EGD needs buy-in to be able to meet its potential. What would you recommend in order to get buy in for the EGD and green deals more widely?
Moderator: Patrick ten Brink, EEB EU Policy Director