About the conference 2020
At the dawn of the new decade, humanity was already facing three fundamental challenges: climate breakdown, mass extinction and a flood of pollution that had reached every corner of the world. Now, the Covid-19 pandemic has further underlined the fragility of human society – and also reminded us of the possibilities for doing things differently.
As we grapple with the pandemic in Europe and try to draw lessons from it, we need a vision for a better future. A future where the enjoyment of fresh air, clean water and a safe environment is a right for people everywhere. Working with, rather than against, nature to boost our resilience to future threats.
Through the European Green Deal, the European Union has indicated it is serious about building a greener future, but will the actions proposed be sufficient to drive a real shift? Which other policies and measures do we need to achieve real sustainability? Will the EU’s relations with other parts of the world act as a brake on its environmental ambition – or can they be the means for amplifying its impact?
Our conference will reflect on the first year of the European Green Deal and how the disruption caused by the pandemic can and must be used to accelerate the green transition rather than derail it. It will ask what still needs to be done for Europe to embrace and implement truly transformative policies that inspire action at home and abroad.
Scheduled to take place less than a week after the US elections, the gathering will look at the EU’s position in the wider world and ask whether, when it comes to environment-related policies, we are punching above or below our weight, and what Europe can do better to support green transitions globally.
The 2020 EEB Annual Conference will bring together key players from the European environmental movement with political decision-makers at a crucial moment for the European Union. Join us on Monday 9 November 2020.
Ahead of the conference have a look at our new paper and background reading The European Green Deal, one year in.
The organizer gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the LIFE Programme of the European Union.
This website reflects the organizers’ views and does not commit the donors.